Unlocking the Power of Makefiles: How to Get Output of ls Command into a Make Variable and Use it Later On?
Image by Rozalynn - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Makefiles: How to Get Output of ls Command into a Make Variable and Use it Later On?

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Are you tired of manually updating your Makefile every time you add or remove files from your project directory? Do you wish there was a way to automate the process and make your builds more efficient? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the magic of Makefiles and show you how to get the output of the ls command into a Make variable and use it later on.

What is a Makefile?

A Makefile is a script written in a special syntax that tells the GNU Make build automation tool how to build and manage your project. It’s like a recipe book for your code, outlining the steps needed to compile, link, and package your project. Makefiles are essential for large projects with multiple dependencies, and they can save you a ton of time and effort in the long run.

What is the ls Command?

The ls command is a Unix/Linux command that stands for “list”. It’s used to list the files and directories in a given directory. The ls command is incredibly flexible and can be customized to display different types of information, such as file sizes, permissions, and timestamps.

Why Do We Need to Get the Output of ls Command into a Make Variable?

Imagine you have a project with dozens of source files, and you want to compile them all into a single executable. You could manually list each file in your Makefile, but that would be tedious and prone to errors. Instead, you can use the ls command to generate a list of files and store it in a Make variable. This way, you can automate the build process and ensure that all files are included.

How to Get the Output of ls Command into a Make Variable?

To get the output of the ls command into a Make variable, you’ll need to use the following syntax:

FILE_LIST = $(shell ls *.c)

This code uses the $(shell) function to execute the ls command and capture its output. The ls command is run with the wildcard *.c, which tells it to list all files with the .c extension. The output is then stored in the FILE_LIST Make variable.

Understanding the $(shell) Function

The $(shell) function is a special function in Makefiles that allows you to execute a shell command and capture its output. The syntax is as follows:

VAR = $(shell COMMAND)

The $(shell) function executes the COMMAND and stores its output in the VAR Make variable.

Using the FILE_LIST Make Variable in Your Makefile

Now that you have the FILE_LIST Make variable, you can use it to automate your build process. For example, you can use it to compile all the .c files into object files:

    gcc -c $<

This code uses the FILE_LIST Make variable to generate a list of object files with the same name as the .c files, but with a .o extension. The gcc command is then used to compile each .c file into its corresponding .o file.

More Advanced Techniques

Now that you've learned the basics of getting the output of the ls command into a Make variable, let's explore some more advanced techniques to take your Makefile to the next level.

Using Wildcards

Wildcards are a powerful feature in Makefiles that allow you to match patterns in file names. You can use wildcards to get the output of the ls command into a Make variable:

FILE_LIST = $(shell ls *.c *.h)

This code uses the ls command with the wildcards *.c and *.h to list all files with the .c and .h extensions. The output is then stored in the FILE_LIST Make variable.

Using the find Command

The find command is a more powerful alternative to the ls command. It allows you to search for files based on various criteria, such as file name, size, and timestamp. You can use the find command to get the output of the ls command into a Make variable:

FILE_LIST = $(shell find . -name "*.c")

This code uses the find command to search for all files with the .c extension in the current directory and its subdirectories. The output is then stored in the FILE_LIST Make variable.

Best Practices for Using Make Variables

When using Make variables, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure your Makefile is efficient, readable, and maintainable. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use descriptive variable names: Choose variable names that clearly indicate what they represent, such as FILE_LIST or OBJECT_FILES.
  • Use the := operator: When assigning a value to a Make variable, use the := operator to ensure that the value is expanded immediately.
  • Avoid complex syntax: Keep your Makefile syntax simple and easy to read. Avoid using complex conditionals or recursive macro definitions.
  • Use Makefile functions: Makefile functions, such as $(shell) and $(wildcard), can simplify your Makefile and make it more efficient.


In this article, we've shown you how to get the output of the ls command into a Make variable and use it later on in your Makefile. We've also explored advanced techniques, such as using wildcards and the find command, to take your Makefile to the next level. By following best practices and using Make variables effectively, you can automate your build process and make your projects more efficient.

Command Description
ls List files and directories
$(shell) Execute a shell command and capture its output
find Search for files based on various criteria
wildcard Match patterns in file names

By mastering the art of Makefiles, you'll be able to automate your build process, reduce errors, and increase your productivity. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of Makefiles today and take your projects to new heights!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of capturing the output of the ls command and using it in your Makefile!

How can I store the output of the ls command in a Makefile variable?

You can use the `shell` function to capture the output of the `ls` command and store it in a Makefile variable. For example: `FILES := $(shell ls)`. This will store the output of the `ls` command in the `FILES` variable.

What's the difference between `shell` and `backticks` in Makefile?

In Makefile, `shell` is a function that executes a command and returns its output, whereas backticks (``) are a syntax to execute a command and capture its output. Both can be used to capture the output of the `ls` command, but `shell` is more readable and flexible. For example, `FILES := $(shell ls)` is equivalent to `FILES := ``ls``.

Can I use the output of the ls command in a Makefile target?

Yes, you can! After storing the output of the `ls` command in a variable, you can use that variable in a Makefile target. For example: `all: $(FILES)`. This will make the `all` target dependent on the files listed in the `FILES` variable.

How can I handle errors if the ls command fails?

You can use the `.IGNORE` special target to ignore errors from the `ls` command. For example: `.IGNORE: $(shell ls)`. Alternatively, you can use the `$(shell ... 2>&1)` syntax to capture both stdout and stderr output, and then check the return code of the command to handle errors.

Is it a good practice to use the output of the ls command in a Makefile?

While it's possible to use the output of the `ls` command in a Makefile, it's not always the best practice. Makefiles are meant to be predictable and reproducible, and using the output of `ls` can lead to unexpected behavior if the directory contents change. Instead, consider using explicit file lists or other Makefile constructs to define your build dependencies.

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