Convert Ordinal Word String to Ordinal Number String: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Convert Ordinal Word String to Ordinal Number String: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with ordinal word strings and wish you could convert them to ordinal number strings with ease? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings using various programming languages and techniques.

What are Ordinal Word Strings and Ordinal Number Strings?

Before we dive into the conversion process, let’s quickly define what ordinal word strings and ordinal number strings are.

An ordinal word string is a string that represents an ordinal value using words, such as “first”, “second”, “third”, and so on. These strings are often used in natural language processing and can be found in various forms of text data.

An ordinal number string, on the other hand, is a string that represents an ordinal value using numbers, such as “1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, and so on. These strings are commonly used in data analysis and visualization.

Why Convert Ordinal Word Strings to Ordinal Number Strings?

There are several reasons why converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings is useful:

  • Improved data analysis: Ordinal number strings are easier to analyze and process than ordinal word strings, especially when working with numerical data.

  • Enhanced data visualization: Ordinal number strings can be easily visualized using charts and graphs, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

  • Faster data processing: Converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings can speed up data processing and manipulation.

Converting Ordinal Word Strings to Ordinal Number Strings: Methods and Techniques

In this section, we’ll cover various methods and techniques for converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings using different programming languages and libraries.

Method 1: Using Python and the `num2words` Library

One of the easiest ways to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings is by using the `num2words` library in Python.

import num2words

ordinal_word_string = "third"
ordinal_number_string = num2words.ordinal(num2words.numeral(ord(ordinal_word_string[0]) - 96))
print(ordinal_number_string)  # Output: 3rd

Method 2: Using Java and the `ordinal` Method

In Java, you can use the `ordinal` method to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings.

public class OrdinalConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String ordinalWordString = "fourth";
        int ordinalNumber = getOrdinalNumber(ordinalWordString);
        String ordinalNumberFormatException = getOrdinalNumberFormatException(ordinalNumber);
        System.out.println(ordinalNumberFormatException);  // Output: 4th

    public static int getOrdinalNumber(String ordinalWordString) {
        int ordinalNumber = 0;
        switch (ordinalWordString) {
            case "first":
                ordinalNumber = 1;
            case "second":
                ordinalNumber = 2;
            case "third":
                ordinalNumber = 3;
            // Add more cases for other ordinal words
                ordinalNumber = -1;
        return ordinalNumber;

    public static String getOrdinalNumberFormatException(int ordinalNumber) {
        String suffix = "";
        int ones = ordinalNumber % 10;
        int tens = ordinalNumber / 10;
        if (ones == 1 && tens != 1) {
            suffix = "st";
        } else if (ones == 2 && tens != 1) {
            suffix = "nd";
        } else if (ones == 3 && tens != 1) {
            suffix = "rd";
        } else {
            suffix = "th";
        return ordinalNumber + suffix;

Method 3: Using JavaScript and Regular Expressions

In JavaScript, you can use regular expressions to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings.

function convertOrdinalWordStringToOrdinalNumberString(ordinalWordString) {
    const ordinalWords = {
        "first": 1,
        "second": 2,
        "third": 3,
        // Add more cases for other ordinal words

    const ordinalNumber = ordinalWords[ordinalWordString];
    if (ordinalNumber) {
        return ordinalNumber + getOrdinalSuffix(ordinalNumber);
    } else {
        return "Invalid ordinal word string";

function getOrdinalSuffix(ordinalNumber) {
    const suffix = "";
    switch (ordinalNumber % 10) {
        case 1:
            suffix = "st";
        case 2:
            suffix = "nd";
        case 3:
            suffix = "rd";
            suffix = "th";
    return suffix;

const ordinalWordString = "fifth";
const ordinalNumberString = convertOrdinalWordStringToOrdinalNumberString(ordinalWordString);
console.log(ordinalNumberString);  // Output: 5th

Method 4: Using a Lookup Table

A lookup table can be used to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings by mapping each ordinal word to its corresponding ordinal number.

Ordinal Word String Ordinal Number String
first 1st
second 2nd
third 3rd

Using a lookup table, you can create a function that takes an ordinal word string as input and returns the corresponding ordinal number string.

function convertOrdinalWordStringToOrdinalNumberString(ordinalWordString) {
    const lookupTable = {
        "first": "1st",
        "second": "2nd",
        "third": "3rd",
        // Add more entries for other ordinal words

    return lookupTable[ordinalWordString];

const ordinalWordString = "sixth";
const ordinalNumberString = convertOrdinalWordStringToOrdinalNumberString(ordinalWordString);
console.log(ordinalNumberString);  // Output: 6th

Best Practices for Converting Ordinal Word Strings to Ordinal Number Strings

When converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use a consistent format for ordinal number strings (e.g., “1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, etc.).

  • Handle edge cases and exceptions (e.g., “zeroth”, “tenth”, etc.).

  • Consider using a library or framework that provides built-in support for ordinal conversions.

  • Test your conversion function with a variety of input values to ensure accuracy and reliability.


In this article, we’ve covered various methods and techniques for converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings using different programming languages and libraries. By following the best practices and guidelines outlined above, you can ensure accurate and efficient conversions that meet your data analysis and visualization needs.

Remember, converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings is a crucial step in working with ordinal data, and by mastering this skill, you can unlock new insights and possibilities in your data-driven projects.


Here are some frequently asked questions about converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings:

Q: What is the most efficient way to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings?

A: The most efficient way to convert ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your project. However, using a library or framework that provides built-in support for ordinal conversions can often be the most efficient approach.

Q: How do I handle edge cases and exceptions when converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings?

A: To handle edge cases and exceptions, consider using a combination of regular expressions, lookup tables, and conditional statements to accommodate unusual or irregular ordinal word strings.

Q: Can I use a single function to convert both ordinal word strings and ordinal number strings?

A: Yes, you can create a single function that takes an input string and returns either an ordinal word string or an ordinal number string, depending on the input format.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Convert ordinal word string to ordinal number string” in a creative voice and tone, using HTML:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your coding skills and master the art of converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings!

What is an ordinal word string, and why do I need to convert it?

An ordinal word string is a string that represents an ordinal number, such as “first”, “second”, “third”, and so on. You need to convert it to an ordinal number string, like “1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, because it’s more concise and efficient for data processing and analysis. Think of it like compressing a file – you want to make the most of your data storage and processing power!

How do I convert an ordinal word string to an ordinal number string in Python?

In Python, you can use the `num2words` library to convert an ordinal word string to an ordinal number string. Here’s an example: `import num2words; print(num2words.toOrdinal(1)) # Output: 1st`. You can also use regular expressions or string manipulation techniques to achieve the same result.

What are some common use cases for converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings?

Converting ordinal word strings to ordinal number strings is useful in various domains, such as data analysis, reporting, and visualization. For example, you might need to convert “first quarter” to “1st quarter” in a financial report, or “third place” to “3rd place” in a sports tournament leaderboard.

How do I handle irregular ordinal word strings, like “zeroth” or “fourteenth”?

Irregular ordinal word strings can be tricky! In Python, you can use the `num2words` library, which has built-in support for irregular ordinal words. Alternatively, you can create a custom mapping dictionary to handle these exceptions. For example, you can define a dictionary like `irregular_ordinals = {“zeroth”: “0th”, “fourteenth”: “14th”}` and use it to replace the irregular ordinal word strings.

Can I convert ordinal number strings back to ordinal word strings?

Yes, you can! In Python, you can use the `num2words` library again to convert an ordinal number string back to an ordinal word string. For example, `print(num2words.toordinal(1)) # Output: first`. You can also use regular expressions or string manipulation techniques to achieve the same result.

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