Solving the “Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels” Conundrum in R
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Solving the “Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels” Conundrum in R

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels but ‘family = Binomial()'” error in R? You’re not alone! This pesky error can bring your analysis to a grinding halt, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

What’s causing the error?

The “Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels but ‘family = Binomial()'” error typically occurs when you’re trying to perform spatial resampling on a binomial response variable using the stacking() function from the spatialsample package in R.

The error message is telling you that the response variable isn’t a factor with two levels, which is a requirement for binomial regression. But why is this happening? There are a few possible reasons:

  • Your response variable might not be a factor, but a numeric or character vector instead.
  • Your response variable might have more than two levels, which is incompatible with binomial regression.
  • There might be missing values or inconsistencies in your response variable.

Preparation is key

Before we dive into the solution, let’s make sure you have the necessary packages installed and loaded:



Next, ensure that your response variable is indeed a factor with two levels. You can use the str() function to check the structure of your data:


If your response variable isn’t a factor, you can convert it using the as.factor() function:

your_data$response_var <- as.factor(your_data$response_var)

Solution time!

Now that we've addressed the potential issues, let's modify the stacking() function to work with your binomial response variable:

stacking(your_data, response_var = "response_var", 
          family = "binomial", 
          resampling = "spatial", 
          resampling_args = list(n_samples = 100))

In this code, we're specifying the response variable, family, and resampling method. The resampling_args argument allows us to customize the resampling process.

Alternative approach: using the glm() function

If you're still encountering issues with the stacking() function, you can try using the glm() function instead:

glm(response_var ~ predictors, 
     data = your_data, 
     family = "binomial")

This will estimate a binomial generalized linear model using your specified predictors.

Troubleshooting and best practices

To avoid similar errors in the future, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Always check the structure of your data using str() or summary().
  • Ensure that your response variable is a factor with two levels.
  • Verify that there are no missing values or inconsistencies in your response variable.
  • Use the as.factor() function to convert numeric or character vectors to factors.
  • Customize the resampling_args argument to suit your specific needs.

Common pitfalls to avoid

Watch out for these common mistakes that might lead to the "Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels but ‘family = Binomial()'" error:

Mistake Consequence
Not converting the response variable to a factor Error in stacking with spatial resampling
Having a response variable with more than two levels Incompatibility with binomial regression
Having missing values or inconsistencies in the response variable Error in stacking with spatial resampling


By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome the "Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels but ‘family = Binomial()'" error and successfully perform spatial resampling on your binomial response variable. Remember to prepare your data, customize the stacking() function, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. Happy analyzing!

Still stuck? Don't hesitate to reach out to the R community or seek help from a seasoned statistician.

Additional resources

If you're interested in learning more about spatial resampling, binomial regression, or R programming, check out these resources:

  1. spatialsample package documentation
  2. Cross Validated (Stats Stack Exchange)
  3. R Documentation

Happy learning, and don't let errors get in the way of your analysis!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on "Error in stacking with spatial resampling: response is not a factor at two levels but ‘family = Binomial()’"!

What does the error "response is not a factor at two levels but 'family = Binomial()'" mean?

This error occurs when you're trying to use a binomial family (i.e., 'family = Binomial()') in your model, but your response variable is not a factor with exactly two levels. Think of it like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it just won't work! To fix this, you need to ensure your response variable is a factor with two levels, or adjust your model to accommodate the type of data you have.

Why does my response variable need to be a factor with two levels?

The binomial family is used for binary outcomes (think 0/1, yes/no, etc.), so it expects your response variable to be a factor with exactly two levels. If you have more than two levels, it's like trying to force a three-sided coin into a two-sided coin flip – it doesn't make sense!

How do I convert my response variable to a factor with two levels?

You can use the factor() function in R to convert your response variable into a factor. For example, if your response variable is a numeric vector called y, you can convert it to a factor with two levels using y_factor <- factor(y, levels = c(0, 1)). Voilà! Your response variable is now ready for binomial modeling.

What if I have a continuous response variable and I still want to use spatial resampling?

No problem! If you have a continuous response variable, you can use a different family in your model, such as the Gaussian family ('family = Gaussian()'). This will allow you to use spatial resampling with a continuous response variable. Just keep in mind that you'll need to adjust your model accordingly, and maybe even explore other options like data transformation or a different type of model.

Where can I learn more about spatial resampling and binomial models?

There are plenty of amazing resources out there to help you dive deeper into spatial resampling and binomial models! You can start with online courses, tutorials, or documentation on platforms like Coursera, edX, or R documentation. Additionally, there are many fantastic books and research papers available on these topics. Happy learning!