The Ultimate Guide to Anaconda Windows Installer: Mastering the UAC NSIS Flag
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The Ultimate Guide to Anaconda Windows Installer: Mastering the UAC NSIS Flag

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Are you tired of struggling with the Anaconda Windows Installer, only to be met with frustrating UAC (User Account Control) prompts and NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) flag issues? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a seamless installation experience for your users, while avoiding those pesky UAC prompts and NSIS flag errors.

What is Anaconda Windows Installer?

Anaconda is a popular open-source data science platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for data analysis, machine learning, and visualization. The Anaconda Windows Installer is a convenient way to install Anaconda on Windows, allowing users to easily set up their data science environment.

What is UAC?

User Account Control (UAC) is a security feature in Windows that helps prevent unauthorized changes to the operating system. When a user attempts to make a system-wide change, UAC prompts the user to grant administrative privileges. While UAC is an essential security feature, it can be frustrating when dealing with installation processes.

What is NSIS?

Understanding the UAC NSIS Flag

The UAC NSIS flag is a crucial component of the Anaconda Windows Installer. When set correctly, it allows the installer to bypass UAC prompts, ensuring a seamless installation experience for users. However, when set incorrectly, it can lead to frustrating errors and UAC prompts.

NSIS Flag Settings

The NSIS flag can be set to one of the following values:

  • RequestExecutionLevel user: This setting allows the installer to run with standard user privileges, which may trigger UAC prompts.
  • RequestExecutionLevel admin: This setting requires the installer to run with administrative privileges, which can bypass UAC prompts.
  • RequestExecutionLevel highest: This setting allows the installer to run with the highest available privileges, which may trigger UAC prompts.

Configuring the Anaconda Windows Installer

To create a seamless installation experience, we’ll need to configure the Anaconda Windows Installer to set the correct NSIS flag. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the Anaconda installer script (.nsi file) from the official Anaconda website.
  2. Open the installer script in a text editor, such as Notepad++.
  3. Locate the RequestExecutionLevel directive and set it to RequestExecutionLevel admin.
  4. Save the modified installer script.
; Anaconda Installer Script (nsi file)
; ...

; Set the NSIS flag to request administrative privileges
RequestExecutionLevel admin

; ...

Creating a UAC-Friendly Installer

To create a UAC-friendly installer, we’ll need to ensure that the installer script is signed with a digital certificate. This step is crucial in bypassing UAC prompts.

Digital Certificate Signing

Obtain a digital certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA). You can use tools like OpenSSL to generate a self-signed certificate or purchase one from a reputable CA.

Once you have the digital certificate, use a tool like signtool to sign the installer script:

; Sign the installer script with the digital certificate
signtool sign /v /n "Anaconda Installer" /t "" anaconda_installer.nsi

Testing the Anaconda Windows Installer

With the modified installer script and digital certificate signing in place, it’s time to test the Anaconda Windows Installer:

  1. Run the installer script as a standard user.
  2. Verify that the installer runs without prompting for administrative privileges.
  3. Verify that the Anaconda installation is successful.
Installer Script Setting UAC Prompt Installation Result
RequestExecutionLevel user Yes Failed (insufficient privileges)
RequestExecutionLevel admin No Successful
RequestExecutionLevel highest Yes Failed (insufficient privileges)


By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve successfully mastered the art of creating a UAC-friendly Anaconda Windows Installer with the correct NSIS flag setting. Remember to always test your installer script thoroughly to ensure a seamless installation experience for your users.

By configuring the NSIS flag correctly and signing the installer script with a digital certificate, you’ve avoided the frustration of UAC prompts and ensured a smooth installation process. Happy installing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Anaconda Windows Installer UAC NSIS flag!

What does the Anaconda Windows Installer UAC NSIS flag do?

The Anaconda Windows Installer UAC NSIS flag is a feature that allows the installer to request administrative privileges (UAC) when installing Anaconda on Windows. This flag is necessary because Anaconda requires administrator rights to install and configure the necessary system files.

Why do I need to use the UAC NSIS flag with Anaconda Windows Installer?

You need to use the UAC NSIS flag because Anaconda requires administrator privileges to install and configure system files, such as adding Python and other executables to the system PATH. Without this flag, the installer may not be able to complete the installation successfully.

How do I enable the UAC NSIS flag with Anaconda Windows Installer?

To enable the UAC NSIS flag, you can add the `–uac` flag when running the Anaconda Windows Installer from the command line. For example: `Anaconda-2022.05-Windows-x86_64.exe –uac`. This will prompt the installer to request administrator privileges during the installation process.

What happens if I don’t use the UAC NSIS flag with Anaconda Windows Installer?

If you don’t use the UAC NSIS flag, the installer may not be able to complete the installation successfully, resulting in errors or incomplete installations. You may encounter issues with Anaconda not being added to the system PATH, or other system files not being configured correctly.

Is the UAC NSIS flag required for all Anaconda installations on Windows?

No, the UAC NSIS flag is not required for all Anaconda installations on Windows. If you’re installing Anaconda for a single user (i.e., not requiring administrator privileges), you don’t need to use the UAC NSIS flag. However, if you’re installing Anaconda for all users or require administrator privileges, the UAC NSIS flag is necessary.

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