Apple Review Denied My Submission: Demystifying In-App Purchase Rejection
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Apple Review Denied My Submission: Demystifying In-App Purchase Rejection

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Uh-oh! You’ve poured your heart and soul into developing an incredible app, only to have Apple reject it due to issues with in-app purchases. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common reasons behind Apple’s rejection and provide step-by-step guidance on how to rectify the problem and get your app approved.

Why Does Apple Care So Much About In-App Purchases?

Apple’s primary concern is to ensure a seamless and secure user experience. In-app purchases are a crucial aspect of this experience, and Apple wants to guarantee that developers are implementing them correctly and fairly. Here are some key reasons why Apple scrutinizes in-app purchases:

  • Security:** Apple wants to prevent scams, phishing, and other malicious activities that might compromise users’ financial information.
  • Transparency:** Apple ensures that developers clearly communicate the terms and conditions of in-app purchases to users.
  • Fairness:** Apple checks that developers aren’t using manipulative or deceptive tactics to persuade users into making purchases.
  • Compliance:** Apple verifies that developers comply with regional laws, regulations, and guidelines governing in-app purchases.

Common Reasons for Apple Review Denial

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common reasons behind Apple’s rejection:

  1. Inconsistent or Missing IAP Information:** Incomplete or inaccurate information about in-app purchases, such as prices, currencies, or descriptions.
  2. Non-Compliant IAP Button Text:** Button text that doesn’t conform to Apple’s guidelines, such as using “Buy” instead of “Get” for free trials.
  3. Inadequate IAP Disclosure:** Failure to provide clear and concise disclosures about in-app purchases, including the terms and conditions.
  4. In-App Purchase Testing Issues:** Problems with the testing process, such as incomplete or incorrect testing environments.
  5. Incompatibility with iOS Features:** In-app purchases that don’t work seamlessly with iOS features, like Family Sharing or Ask to Buy.
  6. Developer Program License Agreement (DPLA) Violations:** Breaches of Apple’s Developer Program License Agreement, including failures to comply with payment terms or revenue sharing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving In-App Purchase Issues

Don’t panic! Let’s break down the troubleshooting process into manageable chunks:

Step 1: Review and Update Your In-App Purchase Information

Double-check that your in-app purchase information is accurate and complete:

// Verify your IAP product IDs, prices, and currencies
_Product *product = [[ skuService service] productWithID:@"com.example.product"];
NSLog(@"Product ID: %@", product.productID);
NSLog(@"Price: %@", product.price);
NSLog(@"Currency: %@", product.currency);

Update your IAP information in the App Store Connect dashboard:

IAP Information Example
Product ID com.example.product
Price $9.99
Currency USD

Step 2: Ensure Compliance with IAP Button Text Guidelines

Verify that your in-app purchase button text adheres to Apple’s guidelines:

// Update your IAP button text to conform to Apple's guidelines
 SKProduct *product = ...;
 [buyButton setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Get %@", product.localizedTitle] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

Step 3: Provide Clear and Concise IAP Disclosures

Ensure that your in-app purchase disclosures are clear, concise, and easily accessible:

// Display IAP disclosures on the purchase confirmation screen
UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Purchase Confirmation"
                                                    message:@"By tapping 'Buy', you agree to our Terms and Conditions"
                                          otherButtonTitles:@"Buy", nil];
[alertView show];

Step 4: Resolve IAP Testing Issues

Resolve any testing environment issues and ensure that your in-app purchases function correctly:

// Check for testing environment issues
    // Testing environment setup
    // Production environment setup

Step 5: Verify Compatibility with iOS Features

Confirm that your in-app purchases work seamlessly with iOS features like Family Sharing and Ask to Buy:

// Implement Family Sharing and Ask to Buy support
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:[[TransactionObserver alloc] init]];

Step 6: Review and Update Your DPLA Compliance

Verify that you’re complying with Apple’s Developer Program License Agreement, including payment terms and revenue sharing:

// Review and update your DPLA compliance
// Ensure correct revenue sharing and payment terms


Apple’s review process might seem daunting, but by following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving in-app purchase issues and getting your app approved. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Apple’s support team if you need further clarification or assistance.

Rework your app, resubmit, and get ready to delight your users with a seamless in-app purchase experience!

Additional Resources:

By following these steps and staying up-to-date with Apple’s guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any in-app purchase-related issues and get your app approved in no time.

Good luck, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got rejected by Apple review over in-app purchases? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some common questions and answers to help you figure out what went wrong.

What are the common reasons for Apple review rejection due to in-app purchases?

Apple review often rejects apps that don’t comply with their guidelines, such as not providing a clear and concise description of the in-app purchases, not displaying the prices correctly, or not adhering to the 3.1.1 guideline which dictates that apps must use the In-App Purchase API to sell digital goods and services.

How do I ensure that my app complies with Apple’s in-app purchase guidelines?

Carefully review Apple’s App Review Guidelines, specifically section 3.1.1, and make sure your app adheres to every point. Also, double-check that your app’s binary includes the In-App Purchase API, and that you’re using the correct APIs to initiate and validate in-app purchases.

What should I do if my app uses third-party SDKs that handle in-app purchases?

If your app uses third-party SDKs for in-app purchases, make sure those SDKs are compliant with Apple’s guidelines. You may need to work with the SDK provider to ensure they’re using the correct APIs and adhering to Apple’s rules. Also, be prepared to provide documentation and evidence of the SDK’s compliance during the review process.

Can I appeal Apple’s rejection decision if I believe it was unfair?

Yes, you can appeal the rejection decision by responding to the resolution center and explaining your case. Make sure to provide clear and concise information about why you think the rejection was unfair, and be prepared to provide additional context or evidence to support your claim.

How long does it take for Apple to review my app again after I’ve made changes to address the in-app purchase issues?

The review process typically takes around 7-10 days, but it can vary depending on the complexity of the changes and the volume of submissions. Make sure to carefully test and validate your app’s in-app purchase implementation before resubmitting, and be patient – you’ll get there!

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