How to Block the On-Premises Usage of an Open Source Enterprise Application Code Once the Subscription Ends
Image by Rozalynn -

How to Block the On-Premises Usage of an Open Source Enterprise Application Code Once the Subscription Ends

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve invested heavily in an open source enterprise application, only to have the subscription end, leaving you with a ticking time bomb on your hands? You’re not alone! When the subscription ends, you may think you’ve got carte blanche to continue using the code, but think again! In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of blocking on-premises usage of an open source enterprise application code once the subscription ends.

Understanding the Risks

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the risks involved. When you continue to use an open source enterprise application code without a valid subscription, you’re exposing your organization to:

  • Intellectual property infringement
  • Licensing agreement breaches
  • Lack of security updates and patches
  • Incompatibility with newer systems and technologies
  • Compliance issues with regulatory bodies

These risks can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal action. So, what can you do to mitigate these risks and block on-premises usage of the open source enterprise application code?

Step 1: Identify the Code

The first step is to identify the open source enterprise application code that’s still in use within your organization. This might seem like a daunting task, but fear not! You can use tools like:

  • Source code scanners like Black Duck Hub or FlexNet Code Insight
  • Dependency managers like Maven or npm
  • Code repositories like GitHub or GitLab

These tools will help you pinpoint the exact code and its versions, making it easier to take the necessary steps to block its usage.

Step 2: Remove Access

Once you’ve identified the code, it’s time to remove access to it. This can be done by:

  • Restricting user access to the code repositories
  • Deleting the code from local machines and servers
  • Disabling any automated build or deployment processes that utilize the code

Remember, this is just the first line of defense. You need to ensure that the code is completely removed from your infrastructure to prevent any accidental usage.

Step 3: Implement Code Analysis Tools

Code analysis tools like SonarQube or CodeSonar can help you detect any remaining instances of the open source enterprise application code. These tools can:

  • Scan codebases for signs of the prohibited code
  • Identify dependencies and libraries that may be using the code
  • Provide detailed reports and recommendations for remediation

By implementing code analysis tools, you’ll be able to identify any hidden instances of the code and take swift action to remove them.

Step 4: Educate and Train Employees

It’s essential to educate and train your employees on the risks associated with using the open source enterprise application code without a valid subscription. This can be done through:

  • Regular training sessions and workshops
  • Clear communication and awareness campaigns
  • Including information on the risks in company policies and procedures

By educating your employees, you’ll be able to prevent accidental usage and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Step 5: Monitor and Enforce

The final step is to monitor and enforce the blocking of the on-premises usage of the open source enterprise application code. This can be done by:

  • Regularly reviewing code changes and updates
  • Implementing automated checks and tests
  • Conducting regular audits and compliance checks

By continuously monitoring and enforcing the blocking of the code, you’ll be able to prevent any unauthorized usage and ensure compliance with licensing agreements and regulatory requirements.


Blocking the on-premises usage of an open source enterprise application code once the subscription ends is a critical task that requires a structured approach. By following these five steps, you’ll be able to identify the code, remove access, implement code analysis tools, educate and train employees, and monitor and enforce the blocking of the code.

Remember, it’s always better to be proactive than reactive when it comes to managing open source code. By taking the necessary steps to block the on-premises usage of the code, you’ll be able to mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and protect your organization’s reputation.

// Example code snippet to illustrate the blocking of on-premises usage
if (subscription_status == "inactive") {

Step Description
1. Identify the Code Use tools like source code scanners, dependency managers, and code repositories to identify the open source enterprise application code.
2. Remove Access Restrict user access, delete the code from local machines and servers, and disable automated build processes.
3. Implement Code Analysis Tools Use code analysis tools like SonarQube or CodeSonar to detect remaining instances of the prohibited code.
4. Educate and Train Employees Educate and train employees on the risks associated with using the open source enterprise application code without a valid subscription.
5. Monitor and Enforce Regularly review code changes, implement automated checks, and conduct regular audits and compliance checks.

By following these steps and using the right tools and techniques, you’ll be able to block the on-premises usage of the open source enterprise application code once the subscription ends, ensuring the security, compliance, and reputation of your organization.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of your open-source enterprise application and protect your business from unauthorized usage after subscription ends.

Can I simply delete the application code to prevent on-premises usage?

Deleting the application code is not a foolproof solution, as users may have already downloaded or copied the code, allowing them to continue using it on-premises. A more effective approach is to implement a licensing system that tracks and controls access to the code.

Will renaming or rebranding the application code help prevent on-premises usage?

Renaming or rebranding the application code may make it more difficult for users to identify and access the code, but it is not a reliable method to prevent on-premises usage. A determined user can still find and use the code. Instead, focus on implementing technical measures, such as encryption and access controls, to restrict access.

Can I use digital rights management (DRM) to control access to the application code?

Yes, digital rights management (DRM) can be an effective way to control access to the application code and prevent on-premises usage. DRM solutions can encrypt the code, track usage, and revoke access when the subscription ends. This approach requires thorough planning and implementation to ensure seamless integration with your application.

Is it possible to use a combination of technical and legal measures to block on-premises usage?

Absolutely! Combining technical measures, such as encryption and access controls, with legal measures, like licensing agreements and contracts, can provide a robust approach to preventing on-premises usage. This multi-layered approach will make it more difficult for users to bypass restrictions and will provide legal recourse in case of disputes.

What are the potential consequences of not blocking on-premises usage of the open-source enterprise application code?

Failure to block on-premises usage can result in revenue loss, unauthorized modifications to the code, and potential security risks. Additionally, it may lead to reputational damage and legal liabilities. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proactive measures to prevent on-premises usage and protect your business interests.